Author Topic: Kansas Child Support Committee needs Overhaul!  (Read 16623 times)


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Kansas Child Support Committee needs Overhaul!
« on: January 26, 2017, 08:33:38 PM »
I wasn't sure what topic to post my thread under, so I chose this one.  @Admin, please move this if you need to.

I am looking for individuals who would support some drastic changes in how child support and custody are handled in Kansas.  I would like to champion an effort to create new legislation to change the child support industry and promote less friction within families dealing with divorce, separation or paternity issues.  Below are some reasons we need changes.

  • For those of you unaware, the Kansas child support guidelines committee has been in business since about 1989.  Most of the committee has traditionally been made of attorneys.  Only recently have parents been allowed to be on the committee.  That took about two years of effort on the part of some very dedicated and motivated individuals.  Part of the reason the guidelines promote litigation and continually leave gray areas is to help the attorneys in the court room.  Parents are not being heard.
  • Many of those attorneys on the committee have been there for decades.  Some have even been on the committee since 1989.  If you don't believe that, check it out.  Another reason nothing has changed to promote less family friction is because the same attorneys have been tweaking the guidelines for nearly 30 years!
  • A major conflict of interest exists when the Supreme Court, who hears child support cases advancing to the highest level, is also the same entity in charge of the child support committee.  In fact the Supreme Court approves the child support guidelines.  The guidelines are enacted by Supreme Court Order.  Therefore, if an committee member attorney is to appeal an item to the Supreme Court, their chances of winning their case are exponentially higher than their opponent.  Otherwise the Supreme Court will have to rule that one of their own appointed committee members is wrong.
  • A final point is the lack of accountability.  A single liaison exists between the committee and anyone wanting to communicate with them.  Unless someone directly contacts a committee member, that is.  If information is filtered by the liaison, there exists a problem.  A more formal method of communication or at least 2 separate liaisons need to be involved at all times.
There are several issues with the guidelines which have had reasonable proposed changes which were ignored.  I know this because I keep up with the meeting minutes and I see all the information posted on this site.  I would like parents to stand with me to help remedy this situation.  Please PM me or reply here to get involved.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 08:34:26 PM by Guru »