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General Discussions / Re: Tax return
« Last post by JewellWiggins on December 12, 2016, 07:18:00 AM »
He has no right to refuse! You can simply get your attorney make him give you all the details so that you would be able to calculate the child support properly. My friend to faced a similar problem so she took the help of a renowned lawyer and he helped her out really well! So you can do the same.
General Discussions / Re: Mediation and Delay in Signing the Agreement
« Last post by JewellWiggins on December 12, 2016, 06:32:24 AM »
I agree, mediation does not works for everyone.
Kansas Child Support Guidelines / Re: Over the counter medications
« Last post by Guru on December 02, 2016, 05:27:20 PM »
I see.  Well, I can only speak to what the guidelines and laws say about these things.  The way the guidelines work for parents not sharing time equally is that the parent who receives support is in charge of everything.  That includes all indirect and direct expenses.  The parenting time adjustment could potentially be argued in this case, but technically there is nothing in the guidelines that says receipt of a parenting time adjustment relieves the residential parent of their duty to provide everything.

If the court found that you were not providing all the needed expenses, it's possible they could award him a further reduction in support to compensate.  If the court found he is required to provide all this, he would simply be ordered to provide it from here on out.

Personally, I think I would just provide it to keep the peace and avoid the conflict.  Its not a large expense and I think the court could maybe see it either way.  Its a coin toss.  This kind of issue will subside in time as most cases show.
Kansas Child Support Guidelines / Re: Over the counter medications
« Last post by Robinann77 on December 02, 2016, 06:15:53 AM »
I was inquiring because my ex husband bullies me about these things and won't give our son medicine unless I buy it and send it. He refuses to buy it for his house. He does this with a lot of things, and says that is why he pays child support so I can provide "everything"  our son needs while in his care.
Kansas Child Support Guidelines / Re: Over the counter medications
« Last post by Guru on December 02, 2016, 12:25:38 AM »
Are we talking about a bottle of muscinex or cough syrup?  It sounds like a rather minor thing to raise a fuss over.  I think technically he would have to buy his own medications during his parenting time.  But, I don't think that's really fair to the kids and it doesn't promote co-parenting.  If you're spending $100/month on these things, it might be worth the argument.
Kansas Child Support Guidelines / Re: Over the counter medications
« Last post by Robinann77 on December 01, 2016, 02:04:16 PM »
I do receive child support, but he also gets a parenting time adjustment and an important overall financial deduction.
Kansas Child Support Guidelines / Re: Over the counter medications
« Last post by Guru on December 01, 2016, 01:49:05 PM »
I would say that's more of an indirect expense.  It's not really defined so I suppose it's up to interpretation.  It may also be considered an uncovered medical expense.  But, it's not a doctor-ordered prescription so it's really discretionary.

If you are receiving child support, you are responsible for all of the direct and indirect expenses.  The guidelines assume your ex doesn't need any money for anything so he pays all of his share to you.  Therefore, you are responsible for all expenses.  The only time this can be challenged somewhat is when he is receiving a parenting time adjustment.

I don't mean to be so blunt about it, but the way the guidelines are developed, that really is the case.  What the judge orders may be something different though.  Hope that helps.
Kansas Child Support Guidelines / Over the counter medications
« Last post by Robinann77 on December 01, 2016, 05:59:59 AM »
My ex husband and I have joint custody, I have residential custody and I am responsible for direct expenses. Are over the counter medications during a sinus infection that I sent to his house for our son a direct expense?
General Discussions / Re: Impact on Child Support, when Payee is going out of JOB
« Last post by Guru on November 30, 2016, 01:17:02 PM »
I think it would be sufficient proof that you've been looking for work if you simply provide a few applications and things like that.  You should redact any personal info other than your name because some of it may become public record.  Protect yourself.

I think if your income has dropped for more than 30-60 days and you've been unsuccessful at finding work, the judge would have no choice but to grant you a decrease in support.  He will likely warn you that when you get work, you have an obligation to tell the other parent (and you should).  Expect to be right back in court to increase support when that occurs.  So, I think your chances are very good if your argument and reason is sound.

It will cost you a $50 filing fee or something like that.  Motions to change child support are hit with a fee usually.  I guess this is to deter people from changing all the time.  You can file your own motion, but you will need to include the appropriate paperwork.  If you'll be doing this yourself, let me know and I can share with you the things you will need.  Otherwise the court may throw your motion out.
General Discussions / Re: Impact on Child Support, when Payee is going out of JOB
« Last post by stiwary2002 on November 15, 2016, 12:47:52 PM »
Thank you for your reply.

I am applying lot of places by eMail and/or on-line.

So do i need tot ake the print out of those eMail  in the court to prove that i have been applying for long time and still no luck. What sort of evidences i can prove them.

Also what are odds that Judge will do the adjustment, i just want to get a feeling here.

Thank you again for your reply.

Also i request others to share their experience, if they can.

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