« Last post by RJames on February 07, 2019, 11:13:05 AM »
I'm going to try to be as simple as I can here, but I'm not sure how well that will go so please forgive me.
I am the higher subtotal parent, my wife is the lower.
Using the Equal Parenting Time Worksheet, it is based on one parent or the other paying all of the direct expenses. If my wife pays all of the direct expenses, we use lines 12 and 13, then transfer that number to the Child Support Worksheet, which instructs us to ADD F3 and and F4 to get F6... wouldn't it be subtract F3 from F4?
When you switch it around and figure for me paying all direct expenses, using lines 14 and 15, the result is even more confusing whether you add OR subtract. With adding as is stated, it leaves me paying my wife my f3 obligation, plus some... AND still paying all direct expenses. If you subtract F3 from F4 then slightly less, but still seems way out of whack.
That's just the basics, but what if you are sharing direct expenses equally, the EPT doesn't allow for that? I'm also having trouble finding information on the Shared Expenses Formula, is there a worksheet for that?
Thank you for your help!