Author Topic: 2017 Kansas House Bill 2068  (Read 12075 times)


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2017 Kansas House Bill 2068
« on: February 02, 2017, 09:06:37 PM »
I wanted share with everyone 2017 Kansas House Bill 2068 (see link below). This bill, if passed, would do the following if child support payments are delinquent by 15 days or more:

- notice issued to suspend driver's license
- notice issued to suspend & disallow vehicle registration/renewals
- issue notice to professional licensing committee (electricians, doctors, engineers, anyone licensed to practice a profession) to suspend license. Attorneys don't get this notice, they just get a "complaint" filed with the bar association.
- notice to KDWPT to suspend registration/renewal of "vessel" registration. I believe that means your boat registration would be suspended.

All of this can be done by the hand waving of the DCF. There is no hearing required. There is only an action on the part of the DCF and all of the above occurs if a child support payment is 15 days late.

Folks, this is where we're at. We already jail parents for non payment, we take away their ability to earn anything, go anywhere, do anything, etc... What boggles my mind is how these actions are supposed to help encourage parents to pay. Some parents simply can't pay because they can't afford the payment or an attorney to fight it. This is wrong!

Testimony on this bill will occur Thurs Feb 9 at 9AM by the House Committee on Appropriations. Chris Brown will be going if you'd like to contact him to learn more. I understand many have to work, but please take the time to write official testimony and get it delivered by Feb 7. This nonsense has gone too far.


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Re: 2017 Kansas House Bill 2068
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2017, 02:47:45 AM »
BMull, thanks for letting us know this.